Resources I use and recommend

** I am NOT an affiliate for any of these programs, I receive no compensation for recommending them. I’m merely passing along resources I’ve found helpful. Perhaps you’ll find them helpful too.

Active Campaign, MailChimp, Mailer Lite – Email marketing/management – Lead generation platform

Litmus – Integrates w/email platforms for better personalization and optimization

Right Message – Email segmenting, tagging & list building

Canva – Design

Funnelytics – Conversion tracking, funnel mapping & optimization

Jotform – Applications, surveys & more

Interact – Quizzes and lead generation

Kajabi – Courses and memberships

Shopify – E-commerce platform

Stripe – Shopping cart

User Testing – Human testing for web page optimization

5 Second Tests – Ditto above

ChatGPT, GPT Playground, Perplexity, Claude, Google Gemini, MS Copilot, Midjourney, Canva AI Image Generator, Heygen – Large Language Models (AI) programs I use regularly for ideation, analyzing, and creating optimization tests. However, the final copy is always original copy, enriched with empathy and emotional intelligence. You will never receive “AI” copy.

See my policy for the ethical use of AI in my copywriting and optimization services.